Projects & Grants


Check out the list and brief description of all projects we are working on in the Bionomics Lab as well as collaborators involved in each project. 

PI: Maliheh Mehrshad (2024-2029)

Project Title: Phage co-infection: a missing link in deciphering phage coevolutionary dynamics-MULTIPHAGE 

mVish (Swedish national science foundation VR open call)

PI: Maliheh Mehrshad (2024-2028)

Project Title: Virus-virus interaction strategies: Understanding functional strategies when multiple viruses co-infect a single host (mVish)

Swedish national science foundation for sustainability FORMAS Networking Grant

Co applicant: Maliheh Mehrshad, PI: Kenta Okamoto  (2023)

Project Title: On-demand intercontinental networking for synergistic structural and genomics studies on viral factors capable of controlling harmful algal blooms 

PI: Maliheh Mehrshad (2022-2026)

Project Title: How do parasitic interactions modulate the fate of phytoplankton biomass during lake eutrophication

PI: Maliheh Mehrshad (2021-2024)

Project Title: Cultural mutuality; elucidating the adaptation strategies of freshwater microbes to eutrophication by combining high throughput cultivation and omics analyses (CUALITY)

EasiGenomics (sequencing support)

Co-applicant: Maliheh Mehrshad, PI: Silke Van den Wyngaert  (2020-2021)

Project Title: Exploring the molecular basis of parasitic chytrid-phytoplankton interactions (Easigenomics initiative hosted by SciLifeLab)

Olsson Borghs Grant

PI: Maliheh Mehrshad (2019-2020)

Project Title: Functional interactions of Cyanobacteria under siege: impact of phage- and Chytrid mediated top-down control on gene expression pattern 


PI: Maliheh Mehrshad (2005-ongoing)

Project Title: Having fun and enjoying the continuous process of learning ecology and evolution in the microbial world